Radio Metal ON is a small independent web radio located in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal and born from its creator’s passion for radio and Heavy-Metal. Free, independent and without economic support (excluding donations from listeners via paypal) or advertising, this is a “hobby radio”, made by metal lovers for metal lovers.
It was created in 2002 under the name Metal Journey Radio, using the extinct service “Rádios do Sapo”. Later it still used P2P technology until later it changed its name to R.M.O. (Radio Metal ON) and joined the Shoutcast technology. Initially it was just a radio channel that played all styles from Hard-Rock to Extreme Metal.
Later came the idea of ​​dividing this channel into 3 different ones:
-Radio Metal ON: The Heavy: dedicated to Hard-Rock, Heavy-Metal, Power Metal and Melodic Metal;
-Radio Metal ON: The Brutal: dedicated to the most extreme forms of Metal such as Death, Black, Grindcore and other more brutal forms;
-Radio Metal ON: The Thrasher: as the name implies, a channel 100% dedicated to Thrash-Metal.

Later, 3 new channels were added:
-Radio Metal ON: 80s HNH (Hard ‘N’ Heavy): dedicated to Hard Rock and Heavy Metal published in the 80’s from the best known bands to the most obscure and underground ones. Mostly here you hear Hard ‘N’ Heavy sometimes with one or another Thrash Metal band.
-Radio Metal ON: Total (discontinued in 2021 for technical reasons) was a global channel, where you could listen to all styles published in other thematic radio stations.
-Radio Metal ON: Toxic, a channel dedicated to more modern and alternative metallic sounds.
In 2021, there was a switch from Shoutcast technology to Icecast and a switch from Centovacast control panel to Azuracast. And 2 new channels are added:
-Radio Metal ON: Metal Masters: where the great themes and the great bands of the Hard Rock and Metal Universe (in all their forms and reincarnations) are played;
-Radio Metal ON: Lusitania, which is the recovery of an idea and a channel that existed in the past and broadcast for a few months. It is a 100% Portuguese radio, dedicated to Metal made in Portugal and/or by the Portuguese.
Many news and partnerships are planned for the future… stay tuned!
Here we hope to find you on the cyber waves of Rádio Metal ON I think we have a little bit of everything to please everyone!
Hail Metal! \m/

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